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- Luigi Saetta
- 3D Printing
- Hits: 4297
Ho deciso di aggornare la versione del firmware Marlin della mia stampante 3D Ender3, per poter preparare ad una futura installazione del sensore Bltouch, per l'auto-calibrazione.
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- Luigi Saetta
- 3D Printing
- Hits: 1879
3D printing is a fascinating subject.
First of all, because it helps to translate in the physical world what you have designed, maybe in the digital world of your Mac. And, to be successful, we need to master many different competencies: drawing in a CAD program, understand how to "slice", manage the best parameters for printing, carefully manage the printer.
Second, because it helps me to push further the development of the (many) ideas that I have in the IoT and Home automation field. One of the limit that I have hit in my (many) experiments in this field is that I needed to "box" the "smart things full of sensors" and I was always dissatisfied by the many boxes and enclosure that I bought.
Third, I really think that today is one of "The next big thing". Actually, thousands of people are buying and building 3 D printers and ...the price is becoming lower and quality higher.